Industrial and logistics

Developing industrial warehouses, data centres. and logistics sheds have moved a long way over the last ten years. Planning authorities have increased the design criteria to ensure the balance of environmental measures to make ‘sheds’ thermally efficient and eco–friendly. PV panels, EV charging points, and careful landscaping help to provide eco-friendly solutions in a sea of metal.  

Planning Not the most photogenic of structures, we also help secure planning using our CGI studio to deliver photorealistic visualisations for the planning authorities and residents.  Saving time on the program and reducing site holding costs.

Tenant fit-outs maximise the use of the space in volume as well as footprint and create the flow through the building, dividing the front-of-house administration from the production facilities and good in goods out.

It is easy to think of an industrial shed as a low-tech development. Still, each shed hides a hive of the industry from light manufacturing to brewing and distilling, each with there own specific environmental requirements, but on a larger scale to a typical commercial development.  


SW1 Surveyors light Industrial fitout